Yukon Hunt

Yukon Stone Sheep Hunt

The Yukon Territory is home to one of the most prized big game trophies in the world – the “stone sheep”.  This stone sheep hunt begins upon your arrival in Whitehorse, where you will be greeted by the outfitter.  You then take a float plane trip to sheep camp 120 miles north through some of […]

Yukon Mountain Caribou Hunt

The Yukon Territory is a large wilderness with few human inhabitants. Totaling approximately 187,000 square miles, this pristine sportsman’s paradise is loaded with game species too numerous to mention. The Yukon Territory is nestled in northwestern Canada between British Columbia and the Arctic Ocean with towering snow capped peaks, wild rivers, tundra and vast forested […]

Yukon Stone Sheep Hunt

The Yukon Territory is a unique wilderness landscape with striking natural phenomena. It is comprised of a land rich with wild rivers, crystal clear lakes, rolling tundra, vast forests and dramatic mountain vistas that are home to a diverse amount of wildlife species. The Yukon Territory is located between the Canadian Province of British Columbia […]

Yukon Caribou Hunt

The Yukon Territory is a large wilderness with few human inhabitants. Totaling approximately 187,000 square miles, this pristine sportsman’s paradise is loaded with game species too numerous to mention. The Yukon Territory is nestled in northwestern Canada between British Columbia and the Arctic Ocean with towering snow capped peaks, wild rivers, tundra and vast forested […}


Alaska Yukon Moose Hunt

The Yukon is located in northwestern Canada and nestles between the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and the Arctic Ocean, with Alaska to the west and the Northwest Territory to the east. The Yukon is a wilderness landscape spanning 187,000 square miles with intense natural design, dramatic mountain vistas, wild rivers, crystal clear lakes and […]