Arizona Black Bear Hunt for Bears in the Pears

During August and September, a curious phenomenon occurs in the southeastern mountain ranges of Arizona.ย  Each late summer, the prickly pear cactus produces a delicious fruit that black bears simply cannot resist.ย  As a matter of fact, they go crazy over it.

A good spotting scope set up at a good vantage point will normally offer the sighting of a trophy bear.ย  This bear hunt has produced many record book bears.ย  This is remote country and the black bear populations are good with excellent numbers of large mature males stocking up on groceries for the winter.ย  One bear taken on this hunt topped the scales at a whopping 550 pounds.

This is an exciting way to hunt black bears and is strictly spot and stalk through the huge patches of prickly pear.ย  If you like hunting in shorts and can tolerate Arizona in August and September, this hunt produces excellent success and outstanding trophy bears each season.ย  These 4-day bear hunts are conducted from tent camps with rifles, muzzleloaders and archery equipment acceptable weapons.