Africa Dangerous Game Safari

There is no place on earth as intriguing to big game hunters as the Dark Continent of Africa. The depth of Africa is so vast, with such a variety of game species, it is indeed difficult to explain without a first hand look at this sportsman’s paradise. This is a destination that every big game hunter should consider.

The majority of Africa’s big game safaris are taken in quest of the many species of plains game animals, while a few more aspiring hunters go in search of what has become known as the “big five”, the dangerous game of Africa. Hunting any of the “big five” species is truly a unique experience and one that any sportsman will not soon forget as there is always the element of danger and suspense while in pursuit of these awesome game animals.

The “big five” of African dangerous game animals include leopard hunting and lion hunt, cape buffalo hunting and elephant hunt and rhinoceros. Four out of the five species still offer harvestable populations, while the Rhinoceros may be taken on green hunts with darts, measured and returned to the wild to perpetuate the now flourishing rhino population.

We offer dangerous game hunts in several African countries with a professional hunter who has guided clients to countless trophies for over thirty years. All “big five” dangerous game hunts may be combined with plains game to make it your African safari life long memory. There is always one comment that sportsman make when returning from an African safari, “If you haven’t experienced it, you certainly need to…and I’m going again.”

Give us a call for all the details on this great African pursuit.